They Came From

A day of long meetings,hours gazing into computer screens,competitive offices and tense meetings,projects with deadlines, orquotas needing to be filled.They came from soccer practice,from the field and its gloryor the parking lot,where the August sun drains the life out ofmoms in minivans.She came from a lonely home,from an easy chair that sitsin front of a droning television,next to an end table with an empty coffee cup,and a phone that never rings.They came from homework,chapters underlined and blanks filled in,some of them right, some of them wrong,some left undone,waiting to be turned in for approval.He came from the worst fight,(or at least it feels that way),that he's ever had with his wife.Tomorrow's might be worse,might be the one that ends it all.And here they all are, together.Though they are alsoin those places, still. 


Kingdom Come: A Sermon about Matthew's Genealogy


The Story (As Told by Steven, at This Moment, in This Place)