Youth Outreach and Missional Ecclesiology

This last week, the Missio Dei journal published a conference paper I presented last summer reflecting a piece of my doctoral research, which was mostly written in 2016 ahead of finishing off my program and graduating in May of 2017. Cleaning up that article represents the last bit of publishing (at least in this direct form) I intend to do for this particular research project, but I intend to leave it in digital form here on my site, in case somebody might find it useful. Really, the value of a DMin project like this is mostly in the learning process of for the researcher, something which was of great value to me, and I hope will continue to yield fruit as I work in the church.The finished versions are available here.I really appreciate all the people that helped me work through that process. I had a great village.


Steven’s Reading List from 2017


The Last Jedi, the Prophet Joel, and Pentecost